Saturday, November 25, 2006

Halloween 2006

I was finally able to get Breana's halloween picture uploaded today, so there she is. She had a blast trick-r-treating. She kept wanting to go to more and more houses. She was a beautiful little princess, if I do say so myself! We went up and down our block first, and then went in the truck to our friends around town. She fell asleep before we were home. I guess all that fun tires a little girl out pretty quickly!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

My first Prenatal Appointment

I had my first prenatal appointment yesterday. All is well. We weren't able to hear the heartbeat yet. My Dr. moved my date from the 8th of June to the 13th. My blood pressure was normal (110/60) which is a relief! I hope I don't get high blood pressure again! Got on the scale and I didn't even gain any weight yet! Woohoo!

I am still feeling good. No morning sickness to speak of, which is a blessing. I am just getting over a cold, so that is good. I'm starting to feel a bit better in tems of tiredness. I can actually stay awake until 10pm!

I go back to the doctor in 4 weeks, so hopefully then we will be able to hear the heartbeat.

Please pray that this pregnancy goes well and that we have a healthy baby!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Plus One Makes Four

Yes, to answer all of the questions that we have been flogged with for the past 3 years, we are going to be having another baby! Yeah! Estimated delivery date in June 8, 2007. We had always wanted more than one, but God thought best that we should move into Brandon before we got pregnant again, so he made us wait a year and a half to get pregnant! Just goes to show that you have no control over it! The first took a month and a half, the second took a year and a half!

I seem to be feeling pretty good. No morning sickness to speak of. A little bit queazy first thing in the morning, but after that, pretty good. Pretty tired, though. Running after Breana, looking after the house, working...makes a preggo woman tired!

Anyhoo, theres our exciting news! Talk to you later.