Wow, I can't believe we are almost done August. I'm not sure where the summer went! Breana starts Kindergarten in less than 2 weeks! She is sure excited! Not only for school to start, but for gymnastics and swimming lessons to start, as well as going back to Vanessa's for daycare. I am officially done working part time tomorrow and go back full time in September, although I am taking 6 days off at the beginning of Sept for holidays.
Seth is growing up so fast. He is now officially walking 100% of the time. It took him a little longer to walk, but he has the hang of it now. He is trying to learn to run, but it's more like a fast walk then a fall! He just cut his 7th and 8th teeth last week. They gave him a bit of trouble (fever) so we are happy that he is back to his happy-go-lucky little self!
We are almost finished siding the house. We just have the top of the east side to do. It should only take us a day to finish. We are happy with the way it turned out. We would like to paint the foundation, at least in the front, to get rid of that awful blue, but we're not sure if that will happen this summer yet or not.
We went to Winnipeg for a weekend a couple of weeks ago. We went to Tinkertown and to the Zoo. Breana LOVED Tinkertown. None of us had ever been there before, so it was a special day. We were there from 2:30 until closing at 7, and we rode 99% of the rides. Some of them multiple times! And boy was it hot out! We went to the Zoo on Saturday. It was hot out that day as well, so some of the animals were out, but sleeping. We saw all the animals that we wanted to, but we were pretty tired so we left around 2pm. We got some lunch and headed home. It was a nice weekend. The kids were pretty well behaved and we had some "family" time.
Oh, better get going. Seth just woke up from his nap. I have tried to post pictures, but it's not letting me, so you'll have to wait!!