Thursday, March 11, 2010

It can happen to anyone!!!

This is my boss's truck. He ended up in the ICU for a week, then being released. Needless to say, he got off really lucky and was fortunate to be driving an F350 four-door truck, otherwise he probably wouldn't have been around to celebrate his daughter's 7th birthday that was happening 2 days after the accident.

Please heed his warning as posted on our dealership's intranet!

"All in all, I came out of the accident relatively unharmed with only 9 broken ribs, some stitches and bruising. Could have been a lot worse!

Please learn from my stupidity! It can happen so quickly. You would never think that by checking a text message or reading an email you could become so distracted that you loose attention to a grain truck slowing down on the Trans Canada highway. BUT that is exactly what happened. When I looked up the truck was six feet in front of me almost at a dead stop turning onto a gravel road. I don’t think I had time to step on the brake releasing the cruise.

Modern technology is wonderful to keep us all instantly ‘up-to-speed’ but please leave your cell phone in its case until your next stop. Please use wireless devices if you are going to talk while driving. As I’ve learned you can only respond to the message if you are alive!


Please keep your cell phones away from you when you are driving. Please stop to talk if you have to, and that e-mail/text will still be on your phone when you get to your destination. Like he said, you can only respond to the message if you are alive.

Drive safe!